The Book of Eryan Wiki

Elemental Magic, (el-uh-men-tl maj-ik) also known as Element Magic, Elemental Manipulation, Elemental Arts, or Nature Magic; it is a type of naturally occurring magic that focuses on the use, and control of "type" based energy's, objects, creatures, to use spells. All things have a element, sometimes singular, sometimes, dual.

Those that use this magic are known as "Elementals" whether they be Monster, Golem, or Person. Elementals, typically are capable of learning a singular base element, and then progress on to learn its more advanced forms. (Such as a Fire Elemental learning to control physical light, such as lighting, or Lava/Magma) in something known as a Elemental Tree.

Sometimes people can't learn their advanced forms, and can be locked to a specific level, others can be capable of tapping into the tree one of their advanced forms (Ex: A fire elemental also capable of controlling rock.)

Elements have a "Paper, Scissors, Rock" like effect on each other, such as fire being strong to plant, but weak too water, even if they are dual, sometimes even taking on more damage due to their weaknesses being even greater thanks to the other elements weaknesses stacking with their other.

Aether  vs Ether[]

Aether is not to be confused with Ether magic, Aether is a rare, "fith element" type elemental, a energy elemental, See Mana for more info.

Element Trees[]

Energy Tree Name: Rarity: Information:
Star-swirl Aether. Very Rare. Aether is the element of energy, or mana, of which all magic is driven from, without it, it would be impossible to do magic. Aether Elementals are very rare, and can be very powerful due to being able to learn and use any type of magic thanks to their element type, they must be careful though, as using one element to much can make it harder to learn others. They are seen as a bit pitiful however, due to having no physical element to control. Aether elementals, are also known as "Soul" elementals.
Flamer Ethereal. Very Rare. "Ethereal" is a catch all term for things dealing with the Soul, such as Ectoplasma, Demonic essence, Plant life, Life force, and Ghosts, while there is debate about it being a element, it is clear, it is part of the Aether line, if not a sibling too it, it is different from "Nether" as it is the controlling of these energy's.
Skull-bolt Nether. Very Rare. "Nether" is the element which magic's like Necromancy, Death Magic, Life-draining magic, and the Dark arts draw their energy, it's the exact opposite of Aether, but Nether is purely destructive, and is the darker sibling, much like the Light and Dark elements.
Clockwork Time. Very Rare. Time elementals, are capable of stopping time, even opening portals to the past and present, stronger ones capable of going, or looking into the future. These elementals are rare, and known to living very long lives.
Winged-emblem Light. Uncommon. Light Elementals are also known as "Celestial" "Life" or "Holy" elementals, they are capable of using heavenly or "Holy" type forces, such as creating holy water, most healing magic is driven from this element. It's both weak, and strong against it's sibling element, Dark.
Batwing-emblem Dark. Uncommon. Dark Elementals are also known as "Shadow" Elementals, they are also known as "Demon" "Death" and "Evil" elementals, but these terms are seen as insults, due to their negative nature, and use. Dark elementals are capable of using shadow typed forces, even death type forces, and are more capable of laying hexes and curses. It's both weak and strong against it's sibling element, Light.
Star-pupil Psionic. Common. Psionic elementals, or as they are more commonly known as, Psychic ementals, are capable of tapping into the Psychic element of the mind, and use the energy's, and spells associated with them.
Star-prominences Cosmic. Legendary. Cosmic Elementals are capable of using, creating and controlling, cosmic energy spells, which can come from things such as comets, meteors, asteroids, stars, moons, planets, nebula, quasars, stardust, and dark matter. They can also generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms and invoke meteor showers. Not many of these have existed, in life, and can be believed that mainly gods are of this elemental type.
Fire Tree Name: Rarity: Information:
Fire Fire. Common. Fire, the classical element of heat, it's commonly known to be weak to water, and ground elements, however most do not know that removing the air in the area, also puts it out, but removing the air is much dangerous then one things.
Implosion Combustion. Uncommon. A combination of Air, and fire, some may argue it's not a element, and more a skill, or sub-element, it is not a common thing to find with fire elementals, or any elemental for that matter, except, perhaps, electric elementals. These elementals are capable of using their ability's to make things explode.
Lightning-helix Electricity. Common. The common Element of Electricity is well known, the user is capable of using and making lighting, and even draining power sources. the Earth element tree is known to be able to stop this element in it's tracks.
Goo-explosion Plasma. Uncommon. Plasma Elementals are best known for controlling, and using plasma.
Lava Volcanic. Rare. A combination of Earth, and fire, users of this element can control magma, and lava, and even melt things down too a liquid state.
Earth Tree Name: Rarity: Information:
Stone-block Earth. Common. Earth is the element of ground, users of this element are capable of causing earthquakes, creating pillars, control sand, and moving large mounds of dirt.
Sprout Plant. Common. Also called "Arbor Elemetals" Users can create, shape and manipulate plants and their type magic, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. It is a combination of three elements, being Earth, Water, and Ethereal.
Rock Rock. Common. The twin of Earth, rock is a much harder, and more advanced, sturdy version of Earth, users are known of being capable of manipulating many different types of rock, be it volcanic, to glass, to meteors rock.
Metal-bar Metal. Uncommon. Metal Elementals, also called "Ferrous" and "Metallic" elementals, they are capable of controlling and using metals, from Gold too mercury.
Crystal-growth Crystal. Rare. Crystal Elementals are known to be rather flashy, with their abilities to control and use Crystals, mainly gem stones, like diamond, or ruby, but those using a quartz of their favorite color isn't uncommon.
Lava Volcanic. Rare. A combination of Earth, and fire, users of this element can control magma, and lava, and even melt things down too a liquid state.
Water Tree Name: Rarity: Information:
Water-drop Water. Common. Water Elementals, also called "Hydro" and "Aqua" Elementals, are a common type of elemental, a strong enough water elemental can learn water based healing spells.
Cold-heart Ice. Uncommon. Often enough, it's found paired with the Water Element, then the air Element, Ice elementals can control snow, hail, and ice. Ice is a combination of water and Air.
Sprout Plant. Common. Also called "Arbor Elemetals" Users can create, shape and manipulate plants and their type magic, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. It is a combination of three elements, being Earth, Water, and Ethereal.
Bleeding-heart Blood. Rare. Blood Elementals, are rare, and rather feared due to their abilities, sometimes they are mistaken as Blood Magic, but the main difference is that it does not have the Ill effects of blood magic. Blood Elemental abilities are also labeled as "Hemokinesis" "Haemokinesis" "Hematokinesis" or "Sanguinarian Elementals", and " Sanguine" elemental.
Chemical-bolt Gas. Rare. "Gas" being more a catch all term for a mix of fluid, and air, gas elementals could ether be a steam, weather, gas, fog, Clouds, and the such.
Air Tree Name: Rarity: Information:
Fluffy-cloud Air. Common. Air elementals, also called "Aero" Elementals, they have the ability to control air, and atmosphere.
Resonance Sound. Rare. Sound, a invisible element, sound elementals have the ability to control sound, an sound waves, as well as emit them, they can be dangerous with the ability to damage ear-drums.
Cold-heart Ice. Uncommon. Often enough, it's found paired with the Water Element, then the air Element, Ice elementals can control snow, hail, and ice. Ice is a combination of water and Air.
Chemical-bolt Gas. Rare. "Gas" being more a catch all term for a mix of fluid, and air, gas elementals could ether be a steam, weather, gas, fog, Clouds, and the such.
Unknown Name: Rarity: Information:
Poison-gas Poison. Rare. Poison is a strange element, as it refers to anything of a toxic substance, be it gas, liquid, dust, radiation, and so forth, and so on, these elemental can only control those things, but not the elements they are. (Ex: Can control venom but not blood, or water)


Elemental Wiki Page.
Elemental Magic, Superpower Wiki Page.
Elemental Manipulation, Superpower Wiki Page.
Icon Source.
